S.T.A.D MINISTRY Spreading Joy, love, and hope through His Word



When prayer requests come to S.T . A. D they are placed in our database and assigned to intercessors who pray for each request.

Pray for Israel

Pray for Israel as outlined in the Word; the Lord's covenant with them and His love for His chosen people.

That Orthodox Jews will recognize and acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah, accepting Him as their Savior.

For those among them who have lost faith, that they will seek Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.

For secular Jews.

That Messianic Jews will spiritually grow and not succumb to pressure to renounce Jesus and return to Orthodoxy.


1. Satan and his evil forces who are the greatest enemy of humanity and seek to ensnare His chosen ones. Due to his actions, humans are misled, deceived, and kept in bondage. Evil works are increasing more than ever before and will worsen until the time of Armageddon. Pray earnestly about this.

3. for those who have denied their faith. Their return to Jesus. Dead hearts to become soft and alive again. Pray as the Spirit leads you

2. For every person who says, "I will sort things out with the Lord later. There is still time. I want to enjoy life first." There is not only a couple worldwide, there are thousands of such lost ones.

4. World Religions - Please visit S.T.A.D PRAYER for Key Insights

Pray for and against:

5. False preachers, so they will proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ again

6. For revival among theologians and all preachers of His Word worldwide, so that the evangelical truth will come from their lips.

7. For churches . Ask that the Father will bring about a revival in the churches regarding evangelism and lost souls. Pray for unity with Jesus' love and care being applied

8. QAnon, a cabal of Satanic child molesters operating a global child sex trafficking ring.

9. Adrenochrome harvesting. Adrenochrome is used in the medical field, among other things, as a rejuvenation treatment. It's a drug of the Hollywood elite, it's addictive. And it's harvested from tortured children in Satanic rituals

Pray for every person who is a member of occult organizations and against each organization

The Illuminati, The Jesuits, The Vatican, The Club of Rome, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderbergers, The Freemasons., The Communists, The Monopolistic Capitalists, The EEC. The European Economic Community, The NAM. The New Age Movement, Structures supporting a one-world government ( for info regarding this head over to S.T.A.D Prayer)

The WHO (World Health Organization) who should support and control the spread of disease among people, nations, and the world, and ensure justice. That underhanded manipulation and spread of diseases and pandemics will not prosper.

The occult powers that overturn lives and sow discord.

Syndicates involved in human trafficking and that they will not succeed in their goals. Please visit S.T.A.D PRAYER for Key Insights on Prayer Topics regarding the above.

Pray for the countries in the 10/40 window. These are the most unreached countries with the gospel. Billions of lost souls.

We pray that these people will be reached with the gospel.

Visit S.T.A.D DIGITAL MINISTRY for more info



When prayer requests come to S.T . A. D they are placed in our database and assigned to intercessors who pray for each request.

Various Ministries under one umbrella




Our Mission

Our mission at STAD Ministry is to spread joy, love, and hope through the transformative power of His word. Through our various ministries, including STAD Prayer Ministry, STAD Digital Ministry, we are dedicated to teaching and sharing the teachings of faith. Our goal is to inspire and uplift individuals, offering teachings and insight into the profound impact of His word on our lives. With a commitment to making a positive difference, we seek to share the message of faith, hope, and love with the world, fostering a community of spiritual growth and compassion.

S.T.A.D MINISTRY is a non-denominational, non-profit, evangelical ministry

Contact us at myministad@gmail.com

Want to be an intercessor? Contact myministad@gmail.com

Need prayer? Contact pray4metoday@gmail.com