Key Insights on Prayer Topics

One world government

The following statement is still made today: The humanist agenda of globalism - world unity - paves the way to a new world order under the personal leadership of the Antichrist.

Strong pleas are made today by scholars, politicians and opinion-makers in favor of a one-world government and one-world leader.

Why all the pleas for one world government? They reason like this: "Let's make the world a better and safer place to live in!" This involves the following: A world leader. One parliament. One world government. One country. One people, one nation. All global citizens.

Then we destroy all the dangerous weapons, and we make no more war. Take away all dividing lines between peoples. Make everyone equal. Don't think narrow and narrow, think broad and accommodating. Think of yourself as a global citizen. See yourself in a broad context as part of a larger whole, nationalism must give way to internationalism. Develop a cosmic consciousness in which all are one, all are equal, a classless and raceless society.

What "spirit" is it that is in our world today that wants to tear down border lines between peoples and nations, wants to destroy their identity, and is busy with an integration process? It is the spirit of the Antichrist (1 John 4:3 and 1 John 5:19) that prepares the world and prepares it for the coming of the Antichrist and his new world order.

Biblical prophecies make it very clear that there will be a new world order in the end times that will result in a one-world government (a world state) and one world dictator. "And the whole world followed the beast in amazement" (Rev. 13:3). "It was also given to him to make war against the saints and to overcome them, and to him was given power over every tribe and tongue and nation. And all the inhabitants of the earth shall worship him, all whose names are not of the foundation of the world is not written in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain" (Rev. 13:78).

The Antichrist will initially be revealed as a masterful diplomat, a prince of peace (rider on the white horse: Rev. 6:1-2). His peace initiatives will be very popular in our troubled world. As a kind of friend to all, he will attempt to bridge all divisive political, social and religious boundaries between peoples and unite humanity in one great world community under his control. His goal is a one-world government of which he himself will be the head and leader. God loves diversity and variety. The diversity of peoples and nations was established by God with the language and speech confusion at the tower of Babel (Gen.11). God has everything to do with the borders between peoples and nations: "When the Most High gave the nations an inheritance, when He separated the children of men from one another, He established the borders of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel" (Deut. 32:8).

And He made of one blood all the nations of mankind to live on the whole earth, while He established predetermined times and the boundaries of their dwelling place" (Acts 17:26). These scriptures confirm the new world order of the Antichrist, but the Bible gives promises about a Christian new world order under the leadership of Jesus Christ during the Millennium. Nations that are politically, culturally, and spiritually divided are beginning to draw closer moving together and becoming more and more part of an international community. Bound together by an increasing number of common interests. Multinational actions are needed to address problems such as the international war against terrorism, the threat to world peace, and crimes against humanity committed by fanatical dictators. Organizations around the world campaigning for a one-world government. The Illuminati The Jesuits The Vatican The "Club of Rome" and The "Council on Foreign Relations." The "Trilateral Commission." The "Bilderbergers." The Freemasons. The Communists The Monopolistic Capitalists The EEC. The European Economic Community The NAM. The New Age Movement Structures that support a one-world government

Structures have already been put in place in favor of one world government, namely: a world parliament, a World Court, a World Bank, Interpol, and the Organization of the United Nations. 2. One world religion According to the Word of God, in the end times, under the rule of the Antichrist, a new world religion will arise that will include all religions and expressions of faith. The one world religion Is the idea and aspiration of Satan and all his pawns to establish a universal religion or belief system that is aimed at promoting unity and harmony between all people on earth. The one world religion presents the ideal of a shared spiritual and moral foundation for humanity, in which everyone, regardless of their culture, beliefs or ethnicity, works together and promotes peace and love. This will put an end to the division and conflict often caused by religious, ethnic or cultural differences. This concept is worked on by various schools of thought and philosophies. There are numerous faith traditions, philosophies, and spiritual currents in the world, each with their own views on religion and the relationship between people. The pursuit of a one-world religion is an idea that encourages bridging and understanding between people. Under Satan's direction, everything that is being worked on now will be put into effect after the rapture. In Revelation 13 we read the following mention of worship in these texts: "They worshiped the dragon that gave power to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying: Who is like the beast? ... And all the people of the earth shall worship it, all whose names are not of the foundation of the world is not written in the book of life of the Lamb... I saw another beast come up out of the earth... And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and he lets the earth and the people that dwell on it, worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He also does great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he seduces the inhabitants of the earth by the signs given to him to do before the eyes of the beast, and he tells the inhabitants of the earth to make an image for the beast... And it was given to him to give a spirit to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast may speak and all who do not worship the image of the beast may be killed" (Revelation 13:4, 8, 11- 15).

The Bible gives us more information about these religions in Revelation 17. It is written about a woman sitting on the back of the beast (the Antichrist): "He carried me away in the spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, with seven heads and ten horns" (Revelation 17:3). This woman gets a name: "And on her forehead was written a name: Mystery, great Babylon, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth" (Revelation 17:5). This woman represents the religious system of the Antichrist. The Bible describes her four times as a bad woman, a harlot. But how can a woman represent a church? This is not uncommon in the New Testament. The New Testament repeatedly uses the woman as an image of the good woman, a pure virgin, to describe the church of Jesus Christ, for example: "For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy because I have joined you to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:2).

"We must rejoice and be glad and give him the glory because the marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready" (Revelation 19:7). Mystery, great Babylon. Babylon - the mother of harlots - represents Satan's one-world religion government. Babylon means Gate to the gods (many gods). This mystery does not indicate a visible real city but indicates a pagan religious system. As the mother of harlots, she is the personification of all the false religions that are in opposition to the one true religion. The various idols associated with Babylon: Monism Everything that exists is part of a larger whole. Pantheism God is present in everything - in every person and also in nature. Polytheism Polytheism, all gods have value and all must be honored. Syncretism All religions have a common origin. The world's largest religious groups are Muslims Roman Catholics Hindus Protestantism Buddhism

Multi-religious ecumenical bodies The World Parliament of Religions The United Nations (UN) The World Council of Churches The Roman Catholic Church One world monetary system The number 666 The entire world population will be marked or numbered and affixed to a specific place on the body. This will be the way of trade - without the mark, no one will be able to buy or sell. "This is where wisdom comes into play. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the animal because it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six” (666). The number 666 is a sacred number and shows how it was calculated (according to the occult, of course). It is argued that the "secret of one of the three heavenly men (Satan, Antichrist, and false prophet)" is locked in this number. New Age followers are encouraged to use the number as much and as often as possible. It is supposed to invoke the "higher intelligence" from another dimension or outer space so that "it" can then come to our planet.

When will the Antichrist be revealed? Only one thing remains to happen before the antichrist can be revealed: "And now, you know what is holding him back so that he can be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity is already at work, only until he who now resists is cleared of the way; and then the unrighteous one will be revealed, he who will destroy the Lord with the breath of his mouth and will bring to nothing by the appearance of his second coming" (2 Thess. 2:6-8). These texts say there is a restrainer that stops the Antichrist's revelation. Furthermore, there is a specific time at which the Antichrist will open and must be delivered. Who is the withholder? The living Christ in his church. They are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. They hold back the destruction. As soon as Jesus takes his church from the earth at the rapture, the Antichrist will be revealed. "Wait how far is it at night?" (Is.21:11). "Children, it is the last hour, the Antichns are coming!" (1 John 2:18)

  1. The Illuminati, under Satan, brings misery, death, and Hell

What Is the Illuminati and their “New World Order”?

The first Illuminati Subversive Secret Society is an elite cult formed to bring about a globalized New World Order where the Church is subtly replaced with anti-Christian mysticism, while the Pope and the national Feudal Monarchs of Europe are subversively “taken out of the way” from governance and replaced by a world rationalist elitist globalist government of purported “political-cum-moral freedom” and “social equality” without any regard to anything Judeo-Christian or anything called Word of God or God.

In 1776, a group of educated Bavarian gentlemen began an organization bent on “illumination” and propagating a “new kind of reason” in response to the restrictions of Catholicism. Their organization was known as the “Illuminati.” Although contemporary with the Enlightenment of Rousseau, Diderot, and Voltaire, they wanted more than wisdom; the Illuminati strayed into the realms of the occult while establishing a secret, hierarchical society.

These New World Order Illuminatists are libertinist globalists, who subtly pretend to bring progress, goodwill and safety, but subversively exult Satan disguised as the Illuminator “God of Lights” (Lucifer) the way they had long been revealed in the Scriptures.

2 Corinthians 11:13-1 5 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

A Brief History of the Illuminati

The Illuminati, like others at the time, did not believe in the Christian God. They considered Christianity irrational yet were influenced by the mystical Jewish Kabbalah, freemasons, Egyptian Hermeticism, alchemy, and more.

The “New World Order” as it is called today, designates the “World Citizens Cosmopolitan Republic” or World Federation of Republican States proposed by the 18th-century enlightenment philosophers like Immanuel Kant and pursued by the “Philosophes” of the Enlightenment as an open socio-political movement but secretly as a clandestine conspiracy agenda by members of the “Secret Order of the Illuminati” in Bavaria, Germany as far back as about between 1776 and 1796. The so-called “World Citizens Cosmopolitan Republic” is meant to be a godless globalist world order envisioned by the “Secret Order of the Illuminati”, which they said would be realized through international crises such as “revolutions” and “wars”. 18th-century documents (originally written in German) show that the globalist “League of Nations” intended to use the desperation and perplexity of crises to midwife and police the world with “irresistible force” toward their “World Citizens Cosmopolitan Republic” to bring about their dreamed utopia of universal “perpetual peace”!

Rev 17:12-17 And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, who have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. And he said unto me, The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God has put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

Members sought to “replace Christianity with a religion of reason” while their beliefs share more in common with occultism than with the Enlightenment. Occultism involves “various theories and practices” regarding “supernatural forces or beings” that “center on the presumed ability of the practitioner to manipulate natural laws for his own or his client’s benefit.”

The word “Illuminati” means “enlightened” or “illuminated” Elites. Illumination or enlightenment was purported to be generally sought openly through elitist (free-thinking) reason and (free-thinking) knowledge but was actually sought secretly by the Illuminati through gnostic mysticism and esoteric occultism antagonistic to Christianity, the Church, and godly morality. Illuminatist mysticism and occultism eventually acknowledged Lucifer (Satan) as their ultimate Enlightener or Illuminator!

The Illuminati or “Perfectibilists” of Bavaria are carefully policed by a structure of “internal discipline and a system of mutual surveillance” established to maintain order and secrecy. They invited only wealthy, powerful, and/or intellectual men to join their ranks. The group was banned in 1787 under an “edict making membership [...] punishable by death” (History).

What Do the Illuminati Believe?

1. Secrecy: Illuminati members promoted hierarchy, rigorously governing themselves behind closed doors.

2. Hierarchy: Division by class within the order

3. Deity: Members of the highest class within their order could possess a special “deep, mystic, and divine knowledge” (gnosis), which would elevate them to “a superior form of human being” destined — for now — to live with lesser beings. People “too influenced by matter were doomed” but if one was able to acquire gnosis, he “could yet be saved.”

Essentially, one became a deity, rose intellectually to a higher plane, and was able and entitled to subjugate the natural world to his purposes and plans for personal gain or the good of the Illuminati.

4. Enlightened Thinking: Their brand of empirical reasoning is superior to any religion's.

2. The Jesuits

What is the Society of Jesus? Who are the Jesuits, and what do they believe?

Have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5, KJV).

The difference between Roman Catholic belief and the biblical presentation of the gospel has been well phrased in the question “Do or done?” What must I do to get to heaven (Catholicism), or what has Christ done to get me to heaven (biblical Christianity)?

Not all Jesuits are necessarily Christian in the traditional sense. This is because Jesuitism is an order within Catholicism, which means individuals of various religious backgrounds can become Jesuits. Jesuitism strongly emphasizes education, intellectual pursuits, and social justice. Consequently, individuals from different religious backgrounds, such as Judaism or Islam, may choose to join the Jesuit order while maintaining their original faith traditions. Therefore, it is incorrect to assume that all Jesuits are automatically Christians.

The History of the Jesuits

The Society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits, is a society within the Roman Catholic Church that was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and instituted by Pope Paul III. The Jesuit society demands four vows of its members: poverty, chastity, obedience to Christ, and obedience to the Pope. The purpose of the Jesuits is the propagation of the Catholic faith by any means possible.

Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish nobleman and intended to have a career as a professional soldier. A cannonball shattered his leg in 1521, and his career was shattered with it. During his long recovery at the castle of Loyola, he spent much time reading religious books, fasting, and praying. As a result of these studies, Ignatius decided to become a soldier of Christ and hung up his sword at the altar of Mary in Montserrat. From 1522 to 1534, Loyola traveled to monasteries and schools, studying and praying in preparation for a life consecrated to Christ. Toward the end of his graduate studies at the University of Paris, he and six friends who had been meeting for times of extended prayer and meditation vowed to continue their companionship after graduation by living in evangelical poverty and traveling as missionaries to Jerusalem. When war between the Turks and Venice prevented their passage to Jerusalem, they determined to work in the cities of northern Italy. Loyola presented his plan for service to the Vatican and received a papal commission from Pope Paul III in 1540, with Loyola receiving a lifetime appointment as General.

With the threat of Islam spreading across the Mediterranean region, the Jesuits' first focus was the conversion of Muslims. Shortly after the founding of the order, their focus shifted to counteracting the spread of Protestantism. The Counter-Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries was largely due to the Jesuits. With their vows of total obedience to the Pope and their strict, military-style training, the Jesuits became feared across Europe as the “stormtroopers” of the Catholic Church, and they led armies that recaptured large areas for the Roman Catholic Church. Along with the military actions, their work centered on education and missionary expansion, and by the end of Loyola’s life in 1556, there were Jesuits in Japan, Brazil, Ethiopia, and most parts of Europe. Many of the explorers of that period were accompanied by Jesuit priests, eager to bring Catholicism to new lands.

The Jesuits are still active in the world today, though the military actions of those early years have been left behind. The goal of spreading the Catholic faith is still their primary objective, and they do it through missionary work and education. As for their beliefs, they hold to the historic teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The practice of “Ignatian spirituality” follows the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola and forms the foundation of their daily lives. The goal of these practices is to conquer and regulate the inner personal life so as to be submissive to God. One of the key practices is separation from all friends and acquaintances, in order to attend Mass and Vespers daily without interference. Another practice is deep and constant meditation on the sins that have been committed, to rouse intense sorrow for sins.

The Club of Rome - the chief "think tank" for the New World Order

New world order” (declared by George Bush Senior and the Club of Rome at the end of the 20th century) is not a novice concept but is deeply rooted in history. New, however, are the unique circumstances under which it is constructed: wide-range and dynamic liberal globalization, collapse (in 1989) of the two-polarities world with two main leaders and the reign of a single super-powerful hegemony (USA) but with emerging new rivals (separate states or coalitions); growing role and importance of regional economic formations (with the EU as a prototype) and global corporations in the context of growing and intensifying environmental and cultural crisis; the economic (crisis) regularly reminds if itself too … The discrepancy and/or disparity between the emerging liberal global society and the lack of global governance is intensifying well, being expected to overcome the “new world order”

The Club of Rome (COR) is the chief "think tank" for the New World Order.

This was unknown until exposed by Dr. Coleman in 1969 for the very first time and published under the same title in 1970. Set up on the orders of the Committee of 300, its existence was denied until the silver anniversary celebrations of its founding held in Rome 25 years later. The COR plays a vital role in all U.S. government planning, internal and external. It has nothing to do with Rome, Italy, or the Catholic Church. The Club of Rome is an organization of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference. Our members are notable scientists, economists, businessmen, high-level civil servants, and former heads of state from around the world.

The Club of Rome pushes for the transformational shifts needed for society to emerge from emergencies with a new way of being human that promotes well-being for all. The organization has prioritized five key areas of impact: Emerging New Civilisations; Planetary Emergency; Reframing Economics; Rethinking Finance; and Youth Leadership and Intergenerational Dialogues.

The Club of Rome is run by an Executive Committee of eleven members that appoints a president, vice presidents, a secretary-general, and a treasurer. The members of the Clube of Rome include eminent world scientists, business leaders, and former politicians. The number of members is limited to 100, among which 20 are affiliated members.

The Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a nonpartisan think tank and membership organization based in the United States. It is considered one of the most influential foreign policy organizations in the world. Founded in 1921, the CFR is dedicated to promoting understanding of international affairs and America's role in the world. The CFR promotes policies that favor the interests of a global elite or that it has an outsized influence on U.S. foreign policy.

The CFR conducts research, publishes reports, and convenes meetings, discussions, and conferences on various foreign policy issues, including but not limited to global governance, international security, economic development, and human rights. It brings together government officials, policymakers, scholars, business leaders, journalists, and other experts to exchange ideas and provide analysis on pressing global challenges.

The organization is composed of a diverse membership base that includes prominent figures from academia, business, government, and the media. The CFR is headquartered in New York City, with additional offices in Washington, D.C. It publishes the influential journal Foreign Affairs and maintains an active website with articles, analyses, and resources on international affairs.

The Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission, founded in 1973 by American banker David Rockefeller, is an organization of private citizens addressing the challenges arising from the increasing interdependence of the United States, Canada, Japan, and Western European countries. It aims to foster greater cooperation among these nations. Comprising influential figures from politics, business, and academia, the Commission discusses global issues and offers policy recommendations to promote economic and political stability. Membership quotas are based on countries' economic weight and political influence, reflecting the Commission’s emphasis on representation.

The Trilateral Commission represents powerful commercial and political interests, advocating for private enterprise and collective management of global problems. With over 400 members in the early 21st century, it includes influential politicians, executives from banking and business, media and intellectual leaders, and a few trade union heads. Membership is by invitation only.

The Commission has faced controversy due to the significant influence some members have in politics and their connections with government entities. Critics argue that this influence benefits the global financial and political elite, rather than serving the public's best interests.

Bilderberg Meeting

The Bilderberg Meeting, also known as the "Bilderberg Group," "Bilderberg Conference," or "Bilderberg Club," is an annual, off-the-record forum established in 1954 to promote dialogue between Europe and North America. Initially aimed at preventing another world war, the group's agenda has evolved to support a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its global interests. The meeting gathers 120 to 150 participants, including political leaders, experts, and influential figures from industry, finance, and academia. While attendees can use the information gained at these meetings, they cannot attribute it to any specific speaker, adhering to the Chatham House Rule. This rule is intended to foster open debate while ensuring privacy, but it has also sparked criticism and numerous conspiracy theories.

Over the past fifty years, the group has been a magnet for suspicion, with conspiracy theorists alleging that its members are orchestrating a New World Order and striving for global domination. Protesters, convinced that the Bilderbergers constitute a "shadow world government," regularly picket their annual gatherings, necessitating stringent security measures. Despite this, attendees maintain that the group is merely a private forum for discussion, away from the public eye.


Free Masonry refers to fraternal organizations tracing their origins to the local guilds of stonemasons. From the late 14th century, these guilds regulated stonemasons' qualifications and their interactions with authorities and clients. Modern Freemasonry broadly consists of two main groups: Regular Freemasonry and Continental Freemasonry.

Regular Freemasonry insists on the following:

- A volume of scripture must be open in a working lodge.

- Every member must profess belief in a Supreme Being, though not necessarily the God of the Bible.

- Women are not admitted.

- Discussions on religion and politics are prohibited within the lodge.

- Initiates take their vows on the scripture.

Masonic Rituals

Rituals are central to Freemasonry, serving as a profound physical, psychological, or emotional cleansing for many members. These rituals help members connect with themselves, their communities, and their beliefs in a monotheistic God. Initiation ceremonies and rites mark the advancement to new Masonic levels.

Geometry and Architecture

These themes are essential in Freemasonry, leading to the common reference to God as "The Supreme Being" or "The Grand Geometrician." These titles keep the concept of God generic and non-denominational, fostering a community focused on mutual support rather than religious differences.

Masonic Symbolism and Texts

Masonic lodges typically display the Bible, Quran, Talmud, and Vedas, providing each member a holy text for reference during rituals. Solomon’s Temple plays a significant role in Masonic symbolism, with initiation rites often reenacting portions of its construction.

While ciphers are no longer used, 18th-century Freemasons employed pigpen ciphers to keep their rituals and memberships secret. Some lodges may have developed their own symbols and rites for protection and distinction.