Where to start

It can be difficult to know where to start, with so many challenging situations across the world. So here are some tips on how to get started:

  • Ask God to place a country on your heart. Spend some time listening and reflecting on what he shares with you. Please visit S.T.A.D DIGITAL FOR COUNTRY'S

  • Begin by acknowledging God’s power. Then pray general prayers: pray for God’s kingdom to come; pray for individuals and communities; pray for those in power.

  • Then, find out more information about what’s going on in the country. Please visit S.T.A.D DIGITAL FOR INFO ABOUT THESE COUNTRY'S

  • Pray that local churches will be a beacon of hope in their communities. Ask that they will be filled with God’s love and that the Holy Spirit will guide and strengthen them as they support people in practical and spiritual ways.

  • Keep inviting the Holy Spirit to speak into the situations you’re praying for. Listen to what God is saying.

  • Make time each week to pray about this country. You could set a reminder on your phone or put a sticky note in your Bible to remind you.

  • Use a notebook to write down your petitions and answers to prayers.

  • Invite a friend to join you via WhatsApp, text or email. Exchange prayer alerts about the country and pray together. Or commit to praying as a family, household, or church small group. Stick a map of the country to your fridge and attach sticky notes.

Finding others to pray with regularly can help motivate and inspire you to keep praying.

Here are five keys to help you engage in intercession:

1. Grow in Friendship with God: By inviting God into our lives and building a relationship with Him, we begin to understand His true nature. This understanding helps us align our prayers with His will, as prayer originates in the heart of God.

2. Increase Your Knowledge of the Word of God: Reading the Bible reveals God's will for people and situations. Since the Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), praying in agreement with it can bring about change. Try praying a specific Psalm over a person or nation, inserting actual names where possible.

3. Develop Your Ability to Be Still and Listen: Part of prayer is discerning God's desires and then asking Him to fulfill them. By learning to quiet our hearts before Him and listen to His voice, we can pray for the things He wants to accomplish. It's normal to have moments of silence in prayer. Before sitting in silence, ask God to show you a picture or give you a scripture that reveals His heart's desire.

4. Focus on Jesus Instead of Yourself: It's not about how we sound or how we come across to others when we pray. What matters is engaging with the Spirit of God. If praying aloud in a group is challenging for you, try to shift your focus to Jesus by taking the risk to pray aloud and agree with others (Matthew 18:20).

5. Worship: Starting with worship is a powerful way to enter into intercession. Worship helps us let go of our own ideas and agendas, allowing us to connect with God's heart and partner with Him in His plans. If you usually worship by listening to music, try reading a Psalm aloud. Psalms 27, 33, or 46 are excellent choices. As you declare each verse, visualize what it describes and see God as the Bible portrays Him.