Every Christian is a world missionary through intercession.

Soul winning is of the very essence of the Christian life. However, if we are honest, our zeal for evangelism often wanes. We lack purposefulness in reaching out to our unchurched coworkers, family, and friends. We find ourselves more affected by the score of the big game or the price of gas than the eternal welfare of our neighbors. Moreover, our deficiency of prayer for the lost reveals evangelistic anemia in our lives and churches.

What is a prayer intercessor evangelist?

A prayer intercessor is someone who adopts a country, geographic area, organizations, individuals, and systematically prays daily. Therefore, someone who does not physically go to the mission field but performs the work of prayer from their home and thus engages in missionary work.

What is the purpose of a prayer intercessor?

The purpose of prayer intercessors is to fulfil the Great Commission through prayer (Matthew 28:19-20).

Who can be a prayer intercessor?

A prayer intercessor can be any believer who sees an opportunity, under the guidance of the Lord, to engage in the work of prayer: a retired believer, a student, a businessman, a secretary, or a clerk in a store.

What does a prayer intercessor do?

A prayer intercessor is someone who does not physically go to the mission field but performs the work of prayer from their home and thus engages in missionary work. The prayer intercessor prepares the ground through prayer so that the seed sown by the missionary will fall on fertile soil. They can reach places and countries where the proclamation of the gospel is prohibited. No one can prevent the prayers of the prayer intercessor from having an effect across borders and long distances.

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Interceding for others transforms us. When we present others to God, our perspectives start to change as our hearts align more with God's vision for the world. We begin to see the world through God's eyes, recognizing His immense love for individuals and all of creation. This deepens our relationships with both God and others.

You might not witness immediate answers to your prayers or see their impact on people's lives right away, but you can trust that God is actively working. Your prayers are making a difference and changing lives.

Sometimes, circumstances may seem insurmountable, but remember we are praying to a God who can do far more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). This is the God who healed the blind, parted the seas, and created the entire universe. So, don't hesitate to pray your biggest and boldest prayers.